What is syslog

What is Syslog? Syslog has been around for a number of decades and provides a protocol used for transporting event messages between computer systems and software applications. The Syslog protocol utilizes a layered architecture, which allows the use of any number of transport protocols for transmission of Syslog messages. It Read more…

Disable SMB1

Disable SMB1 on Windows 11/10 To defend yourself against WannaCrypt ransomware it is imperative that you disable SMB1 as well as install the patches released by Microsoft. Let us take a look at some of the ways to disable SMB1 on Windows 11/10/8/7. Turn Off SMB1 via Control Panel Open Control Panel > Programs Read more…

Types of Malware

t’s no secret that malware is a huge problem, whether it be an infected laptop that you use for home banking and watching Netflix, all the way to multi-million-pound organizations that store customer credit card and banking details. But what happens once a machine is infected with malware? The answer Read more…

Ransomware stats

Ransomware is a form of malicious software that infiltrates a computer or network and limits or restricts access to critical data by encrypting files until a ransom is paid. The first use of ransomware dates back to 1989, when floppy disks were high-tech and the price of the ransom was Read more…


What is data lifecycle management? Data lifecycle management (DLM) is an approach for businesses that maximizes benefits from data acquired or generated. DLM also serves to mitigate potential risks related to data collection, storage, or transmission. By implementing DLM, organizations are better protected against ransomware, phishing, and other malicious attacks. Read more…


Benjamin Delpy originally created Mimikatz as a proof of concept to show Microsoft that its authentication protocols were vulnerable to an attack. Instead, he inadvertently created one of the most widely used and downloaded threat actor tools of the past 20 years. Dubbed “one of the world’s most powerful password Read more…

What Is a Data Leak?

A data leak is an organization’s worst nightmare. Whether because of employee negligence, an insider threat, or the result of a hack, a data leak can result in financial, reputational, and legal repercussions. When an organization’s sensitive files are exposed, confidential data such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, Read more…